Greeley Tribune - July 6, 1976
By Ron Tollefson, Tribune Staff Writer
With Congressman James Johnson, Gov. Richard Lamm and Weld County and city officials present, the new $4.5 million Weld County Centennial Center was dedicated Saturday before a crowd of about 200.
In a brief dedication talk, Johnson pointed out that he and county board Chairman Glenn Billings last year had accepted Weld's designation as an official centennial-bicentennial Stampede celebration.
Johnson said the year's celebration now was being ended with another major event, the dedication of the new county structure.
Said Lamm in brief remarks, "I am here to pay the official respects of the state to a very dynamic county and community." The governor, referring to the new county building, also pointed to Weld's role as the first home rule county in Colorado.
In addition to the governor and congressman, those attending the event included Weld County Centennial Family, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Farr, most Weld state legislators, and county officials, representatives of CNC-NHPQ and Hensel Phelps Constructors, architectural and construction management firms for the Center.
Also, city representatives of Greeley, Dacono, Erie, Evans, Firestone, Fort Lupton, Frederick, Gilcrest, Nunn, Pierce, and Severance, UNC President Richard Bond, Weld Budget Management Director Barton Buss and Adams County Commissioner Pete Mirelez.
Speaking briefly during a program moderated by Billings were Farr, Greeley Mayor George Hall and C Neal Carpenter, president of NHPQ and CNC-NHPQ.
During the event, Billings paid special tribute to the work of commissioners' aide Christine Kavalec, chairman of the Weld Centennial-Bicentennial Committee, for Weld's active role in centennial-bicentennial activities during the year.
Shown during the ceremony was a bicentennial quilt made by area Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) workers. It is to go on permanent display in the new center.
Also unveiled were the new county seal, designed by the UNC fine arts department under the direction of Prof. Robert Turner, and the new county flag — with that seal — designed by David Rosentrator of NHPQ. Entertaining with songs during the program was a trio of Brenda Packard, Dalyne Pike and Jill Brawner. Presented bonds for their co-winning entries in a building naming contest were Susan Jacoby and Debbie Sondrel. Awards also were presented to winners of a United Bank of Greeley "Capture the County" photo contest.
Officially dedicating the new center in a ribbon-cutting ceremony were the five commissioners: Billings, Norman Carlson, Victor Jacobucci, Roy Moser, and June Stelnmark.