Barnetta Greenwalt smiled as she told the story about her 4-H dairy show cow.
“Diamond was my first 4-H project, she was a Holstein calf. I was 10 years old. We were supposed to work with the cattle prior to the fair; have them tame, be able to lead them.
My class came and I’m trying to lead Diamond around the ring and she lays down,” Greenwalt said. “I yelled for my dad and my uncle to come help me get her up. They came running and got her back up but of course I was last place.”
Greenwalt, now 75, attended the fair each year with her brothers and sisters in the 1940s and 1950s. They each showed cattle and competed in various exhibitions.
“When I was growing up, the fair was just for 4-H members; it was the Junior Weld County Fair and was smaller than it is now. It taught us discipline and to take pride in what we’d achieved, even if your first project earns last place, at least you tried and there’s a lesson learned!” she said.